Rep. Sharice Davids Statement on Trump Administration Rule Allowing Discrimination Against LGBTQ Families
Representative Sharice Davids issued the following statement on the Trump Administration's proposed rule allowing foster care and adoption agencies that receive federal funding to deny services to LGBTQ parents on religious grounds:
"It's unacceptable that this Administration is proposing a rule allowing foster care and adoption agencies to discriminate against LGBTQ parents, at the expense of the American taxpayer no less.
"This is the latest in a long line of attacks against the LGBTQ community from this Administration, but this rule is particularly appalling as it affects our most vulnerable population – our children. Every child deserves a stable, safe and loving home. No child should be denied that home because a parent is a member of the LGBTQ community.
"We know firsthand in Kansas what happens when discriminatory adoption legislation is passed. Just last year, the Kansas legislature passed a bill allowing faith-based adoption agencies – including those that receive public funds – to turn away LGBTQ couples based on religious beliefs. Despite the Kansas foster care system already being overwhelmed with children, the legislation was signed into law, further limiting the number of safe and loving homes available to these children. It was wrong then – and it's wrong now.
"That's why I've been a vocal supporter of the Every Child Deserves a Family Act, legislation introduced by Rep. John Lewis that improves care and opens more loving, supportive homes to foster youth by banning discrimination against LGBTQ, single, nontheistic and religious minority parents and children in foster care and adoption. The bill also provides resources to states to improve outcomes for LGBTQ foster youth.
"It also underlines the importance of the Equality Act, which passed the House in May and is still sitting on Mitch McConnell's desk. This critical legislation would standardize federal policy and put in place national protections from discrimination for members of the LGBTQ community.
"I'm calling on the entire Kansas delegation to stand up for children and families in our state – and across the country – and urge the President to prevent this proposed rule from going into effect.
"I will not sit silently by while this Administration dismantles protections for LGBTQ adoptive and foster parents. It's time for this Administration to do right by our children and families and reverse this decision."